This is a special day. I am glad to announce this first - informal - meeting of the Alphadale Gateway Support Group (and extended to everyone finding there way to this website). But I might want to emphasize that I am speaking on behalf of many people who are not even aware of this meeting and will find themselves drawn to the Alphadale Community Project in the - hopefully near - future. So I can also say that WE are very excited to welcome each one of you to this gathering. Today, the main purpose is to answer questions, follow-up previous conversations and to explore the vast options for the former Alphadale Church & Hall (as well as any other premise along the western plateau that might suit the Alphadale Project. Update: We did not buy the Church).


As much uncertainty there is about the successful incubation of the project within any of those potential premises, the more we are hoping to welcome the communities one day at its new place after its birthing into reality.


Starting this journey based on a large array of visions this meeting has the goal to navigate through the first layers of a yet still clouded pathway. We have all opportunities in front of us. It is not the time to choose, manifest or rule out anything but rather focusing on potentials, the likely-hood and feasibility of single aspects.

And in a second consideration dealing with the question how to connect and in which order the milestones can be addressed. Best practice can’t be taken on from the outside but must be a result of an internal process.


Following today‘s meeting I hope we are joining forces for the kick-off of the project. If you have reasons to slow down your personal involvement we are happy to welcome you at another stage or day as a visitor, guest or new member to one of the future invitations we will send out with our growing community engagement. Our doors shall be open to everyone at any time - being a place at the very heart of the Western Plateau. Turning People away is the total opposite of what this project is about. We hope to reach out into the communities across the Alstonville Plateau and all the way to the Lismore Plains with all the small and bigger settlements, suburbs and neighbourhoods.


Thanks for being here with us today.




How do we present ourselves to the public? How can we best transfer the core ideas of this project without compromising the chances for change and an adequate adaptation to new realities? Staying close to the roots of this exciting vision might be the best way.


We are simply a bunch of fellow humans from the Northern Rivers - we are both „born & raised“ here as well as „blown-in“ to stay put. Coming from very diverse backgrounds - but sharing a passion towards making a change - we bring together our expertise and passion to create this home for our communities, local whole-foods, sustainability, regeneration & education.


“The Alphadale Gateway People”, “The Alphadale Advisory Committee” as well as the “Alphadale - Future Community Gateway” headlines serve as the nutshells to put the context into. It brings together location, individuals, purpose, time frame, target and mission. Even if the details are subject to change or great ideas are still in the need to be incorporated - this brochure and its layout represents a glimpse into a possible future of this project. Filled with excitement, creativity and love. It is now time to bring in the bricks and the mortar - or mud, clay and straw if you prefer - to add the structural integrity, liability, efficiency and inclusive thinking from various experts and contributors.


That’s why we are looking to reach out for co-founders, partners, members as “crowd-founders”, legal advisors, shareholders, investors as well as crowd-funders (this time we mean the money), professional experts that deal with the many obstacles we will have to face, consultants, tradies, locals, volunteers,... add the category you fit in yourself. We are now looking for people to share our visions, contribute to the mission with their enthusiasm, resources and expertise!




Sounds like a business or someone you know would be interested in this fantastic project? Come and join us now and swing by on one of our next meeting. Or give us a call today to see how to go from here! We extend our invitation to everyone - neighbours, volunteers, landowners, individuals, councils, non-for-profits, corporations, custodians, game-changers... The list goes on.


Join our movement now – towards a brighter and healthier future, natural habitat and communities along the Western Plateau.


We are looking forward to welcome you one day at a meeting of the Alphadale Advisory Committee (ACC).



The Alphadale Gateway People.


Yours sincerely,


Daniel Buerker

Director of the Alphadale Project

March 2021

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